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BVF's Tribute Kidd

Tribute is a homozygous black, heterozygous silver dapple stallion.

This means Tribute is a black horse with 1 copy of the silver dapple dilution gene. Depending on what colour mare Tribute is bred to he will be able to produce a wide variety of foal colours, including his signature dark chocolate with snow white mane & tail!

However, since Tribute does not have a recessive (hidden) red gene no matter what colour mare he is bred to he will never be able to produce any red base coat colour foals (ie. chestnut, palomino, cremello, strawberry roan, red dun or gold champagne).

Mare Colour

Foal Colour Possibilities


50% Chocolate, 50% Black Foals

(Black Horse w/ Bay Gene aka Agouti Gene)

w/ 1 Bay Gene

25% Chocolate, 25% Red Chocolate, 25% Black, 25% Bay Foals

w/ 2 Bay Genes

50% Red Chocolate, 50% Bay Foals


* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here

No Hidden Genes

50% Chocolate, 50% Black Foals

w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden)

25% Chocolate, 25% Red Chocolate, 25% Black, 25% Bay Foals

w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

75% Chocolate, 25% Black Foals

w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals

(Black Horse w/ Silver Dapple Gene)

w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene

75% Chocolate, 25% Black Foals

w/ 2 Silver Dapple Genes

100% Chocolate Foals

Red Chocolate
(Bay Horse w/ Silver Dapple Gene)

w/ 1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene

37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 1 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes

50% Chocolate, 50% Red Chocolate Foals

w/ 2 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Genes

75% Red Chocolate, 25% Bay Foals

w/ 2 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes

100% Red Chocolate Foals

Smokey Black
(Black Horse w/ 1 Cream Gene)

25% Chocolate, 25% Smokey Chocolate, 25% Smokey Black, 25% Black Foals

Smokey Cream
(Black Horse w/ 2 Cream Genes)

50% Smokey Chocolate, 50% Smokey Black Foals

(Bay Horse w/ 1 Cream Gene)

w/ 1 Bay Gene

12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Smokey Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Buckskin, 12.5% Smokey Black, 12.5% Buckskin, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 2 Bay Genes

25% Red Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Buckskin, 25% Buckskin, 25% Bay Foals

(Bay Horse w/ 2 Cream Genes)

w/ 1 Bay Gene

25% Smokey Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Buckskin, 25% Smokey Black, 25% Buckskin Foals

w/ 2 Bay Genes

50% Chocolate Buckskin, 50% Buckskin Foals

(Chestnut Horse w/ 1 Cream Gene)

* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here

No Hidden Genes

25% Chocolate, 25% Smokey Chocolate, 25% Smokey Black, 25% Black Foals

w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden)

12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Smokey Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Buckskin, 12.5% Smokey Black, 12.5% Buckskin, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Smokey Chocolate, 12.5% Smokey Black, 12.5% Black Foals

w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Smokey Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Buckskin, 6.25% Smokey Black, 6.25% Buckskin, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals

(Chestnut Horse w/ 2 Cream Genes)

* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here

No Hidden Genes

50% Smokey Chocolate, 50% Smokey Black Foals

w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden)

25% Smokey Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Buckskin, 25% Smokey Black, 25% Buckskin Foals

w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

75% Smokey Chocolate, 25% Smokey Black Foals

w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

37.5% Smokey Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Buckskin, 12.5% Smokey Black, 12.5% Buckskin Foals

Blue Roan
(Black Horse w/ Roan Gene)

25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Roan, 25% Blue Roan, 25% Black Foals

Chocolate Roan
(Chocolate Horse w/ Roan Gene)

w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene

37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Blue Roan, 12.5% Black Foals

w/ 2 Silver Dapple Genes

50% Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Roan Foals

Red Roan
(Bay Horse w/ Roan Gene)

w/ 1 Bay Gene

12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Red Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Blue Roan, 12.5% Red Roan, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 2 Bay Genes

25% Red Chocolate, 25% Red Chocolate Roan, 25% Red Roan, 25% Bay Foals

Red Chocolate Roan
(Red Chocolate Horse w/ Roan Gene)

w/ 1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene

18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Roan, 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Red Chocolate Roan, 6.25% Blue Roan, 6.25% Red Roan, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals

w/ 1 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes

25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Roan, 25% Red Chocolate, 25% Red Chocolate Roan Foals

w/ 2 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Genes

37.5% Red Chocolate, 37.5% Red Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Red Roan, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 2 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes

50% Red Chocolate, 50% Red Chocolate Roan Foals

Strawberry Roan
(Chestnut Horse w/ Roan Gene)

* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here

No Hidden Genes

25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Roan, 25% Blue Roan, 25% Black Foals

w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden)

12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Red Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Blue Roan, 12.5% Red Roan, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Blue Roan, 12.5% Black Foals

w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Roan, 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75%, Red Chocolate Roan, 6.25% Blue Roan, 6.25% Red Roan, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals

(Black Horse w/ Dun Gene)

25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Grullo(a), 25% Grullo(a), 25% Black Foals

Chocolate Dun
(Chocolate Horse w/ Dun Gene)

w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene

37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Grullo(a), 12.5% Grullo(a), 12.5% Black Foals

w/ 2 Silver Dapple Genes

50% Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Grullo(a) Foals

Zebra Dun
(Bay Horse w/ Dun Gene)

w/ 1 Bay Gene

12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Grullo(a), 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 12.5% Grullo(a), 12.5% Zebra Dun, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 2 Bay Genes

25% Red Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 25% Zebra Dun, 25% Bay Foals

Chocolate Zebra Dun
(Red Chocolate Horse w/ Dun Gene)

w/ 1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene

18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Grullo(a), 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 6.25% Grullo(a), 6.25% Zebra Dun, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals

w/ 1 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes

25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Grullo(a), 25% Red Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Zebra Dun Foals

w/ 2 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Genes

37.5% Red Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 12.5% Zebra Dun, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 2 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes

50% Red Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Zebra Dun Foals

Red Dun
(Chestnut Horse w/ Dun Gene)

* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here

No Hidden Genes

25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Grullo(a), 25% Grullo(a), 25% Black Foals

w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden)

12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Grullo(a), 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 12.5% Grullo(a), 12.5% Zebra Dun, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Grullo(a), 12.5% Grullo(a), 12.5% Black Foals

w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Grullo(a), 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 6.25% Grullo(a), 6.25% Zebra Dun, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals

Classic Champagne
(Black Horse w/ Champagne Gene)

25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Champagne, 25% Classic Champagne, 25% Black Foals

Chocolate Champagne
(Chocolate Horse w/ Champagne Gene)

w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene

37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Champagne, 12.5% Champagne, 12.5% Black Foals

w/ 2 Silver Dapple Genes

50% Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Champagne Foals

Amber Champagne
(Bay Horse w/ Champagne Gene)

w/ 1 Bay Gene

12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Champagne, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 12.5% Classic Champagne, 12.5% Amber Champagne, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 2 Bay Genes

25% Red Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 25% Amber Champagne, 25% Bay Foals

Chocolate Amber Champagne
(Red Chocolate Horse w/ Champagne Gene)

w/ 1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene

18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Champagne, 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 6.25% Champagne, 6.25% Amber Champagne, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals

w/ 1 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes

25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Champagne, 25% Red Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Amber Champagne Foals

w/ 2 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Genes

37.5% Red Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 12.5% Amber Champagne, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 2 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes

50% Red Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Amber Champagne Foals

Gold Champagne
(Chestnut Horse w/ Champagne Gene)

* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here

No Hidden Genes

25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Champagne, 25% Classic Champagne, 25% Black Foals

w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden)

12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Champagne, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 12.5% Classic Champagne, 12.5% Amber Champagne, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals

w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Champagne, 12.5% Classic Champagne, 12.5% Black Foals

w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden)

18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Champagne, 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 6.25% Classic Champagne, 6.25% Amber Champagne, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals

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Website Management by Jessica Puccia ~ Last Update February 1st 2012