Mare Colour |
Foal Colour Possibilities |
Black |
50% Chocolate, 50% Black Foals |
(Black Horse w/ Bay Gene aka Agouti Gene) |
w/ 1 Bay Gene |
25% Chocolate, 25% Red Chocolate, 25% Black, 25% Bay Foals |
w/ 2 Bay Genes |
50% Red Chocolate, 50% Bay Foals |
* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here |
No Hidden Genes |
50% Chocolate, 50% Black Foals |
w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden) |
25% Chocolate, 25% Red Chocolate, 25% Black, 25% Bay Foals |
w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
75% Chocolate, 25% Black Foals |
w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals |
(Black Horse w/ Silver Dapple Gene) |
w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene |
75% Chocolate, 25% Black Foals |
w/ 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
100% Chocolate Foals |
Red Chocolate
(Bay Horse w/ Silver Dapple Gene) |
w/ 1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene |
37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 1 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
50% Chocolate, 50% Red Chocolate Foals |
w/ 2 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Genes |
75% Red Chocolate, 25% Bay Foals |
w/ 2 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
100% Red Chocolate Foals |
Smokey Black
(Black Horse w/ 1 Cream Gene) |
25% Chocolate, 25% Smokey Chocolate, 25% Smokey Black, 25% Black Foals |
Smokey Cream
(Black Horse w/ 2 Cream Genes) |
50% Smokey Chocolate, 50% Smokey Black Foals |
(Bay Horse w/ 1 Cream Gene) |
w/ 1 Bay Gene |
12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Smokey Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Buckskin, 12.5% Smokey Black, 12.5% Buckskin, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 2 Bay Genes |
25% Red Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Buckskin, 25% Buckskin, 25% Bay Foals |
(Bay Horse w/ 2 Cream Genes) |
w/ 1 Bay Gene |
25% Smokey Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Buckskin, 25% Smokey Black, 25% Buckskin Foals |
w/ 2 Bay Genes |
50% Chocolate Buckskin, 50% Buckskin Foals |
(Chestnut Horse w/ 1 Cream Gene)
* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here |
No Hidden Genes |
25% Chocolate, 25% Smokey Chocolate, 25% Smokey Black, 25% Black Foals |
w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden) |
12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Smokey Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Buckskin, 12.5% Smokey Black, 12.5% Buckskin, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Smokey Chocolate, 12.5% Smokey Black, 12.5% Black Foals |
w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Smokey Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Buckskin, 6.25% Smokey Black, 6.25% Buckskin, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals |
(Chestnut Horse w/ 2 Cream Genes)
* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here |
No Hidden Genes |
50% Smokey Chocolate, 50% Smokey Black Foals |
w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden) |
25% Smokey Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Buckskin, 25% Smokey Black, 25% Buckskin Foals |
w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
75% Smokey Chocolate, 25% Smokey Black Foals |
w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
37.5% Smokey Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Buckskin, 12.5% Smokey Black, 12.5% Buckskin Foals |
Blue Roan
(Black Horse w/ Roan Gene) |
25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Roan, 25% Blue Roan, 25% Black Foals |
Chocolate Roan
(Chocolate Horse w/ Roan Gene) |
w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene |
37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Blue Roan, 12.5% Black Foals |
w/ 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
50% Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Roan Foals |
Red Roan
(Bay Horse w/ Roan Gene) |
w/ 1 Bay Gene |
12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Red Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Blue Roan, 12.5% Red Roan, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 2 Bay Genes |
25% Red Chocolate, 25% Red Chocolate Roan, 25% Red Roan, 25% Bay Foals |
Red Chocolate Roan
(Red Chocolate Horse w/ Roan Gene) |
w/ 1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene |
18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Roan, 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Red Chocolate Roan, 6.25% Blue Roan, 6.25% Red Roan, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals |
w/ 1 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Roan, 25% Red Chocolate, 25% Red Chocolate Roan Foals |
w/ 2 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Genes |
37.5% Red Chocolate, 37.5% Red Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Red Roan, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 2 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
50% Red Chocolate, 50% Red Chocolate Roan Foals |
Strawberry Roan
(Chestnut Horse w/ Roan Gene)
* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here |
No Hidden Genes |
25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Roan, 25% Blue Roan, 25% Black Foals |
w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden) |
12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Red Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Blue Roan, 12.5% Red Roan, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Roan, 12.5% Blue Roan, 12.5% Black Foals |
w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Roan, 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75%, Red Chocolate Roan, 6.25% Blue Roan, 6.25% Red Roan, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals |
(Black Horse w/ Dun Gene) |
25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Grullo(a), 25% Grullo(a), 25% Black Foals |
Chocolate Dun
(Chocolate Horse w/ Dun Gene) |
w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene |
37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Grullo(a), 12.5% Grullo(a), 12.5% Black Foals |
w/ 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
50% Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Grullo(a) Foals |
Zebra Dun
(Bay Horse w/ Dun Gene) |
w/ 1 Bay Gene |
12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Grullo(a), 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 12.5% Grullo(a), 12.5% Zebra Dun, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 2 Bay Genes |
25% Red Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 25% Zebra Dun, 25% Bay Foals |
Chocolate Zebra Dun
(Red Chocolate Horse w/ Dun Gene) |
w/ 1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene |
18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Grullo(a), 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 6.25% Grullo(a), 6.25% Zebra Dun, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals |
w/ 1 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Grullo(a), 25% Red Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Zebra Dun Foals |
w/ 2 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Genes |
37.5% Red Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 12.5% Zebra Dun, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 2 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
50% Red Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Zebra Dun Foals |
Red Dun
(Chestnut Horse w/ Dun Gene)
* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here |
No Hidden Genes |
25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Grullo(a), 25% Grullo(a), 25% Black Foals |
w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden) |
12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Grullo(a), 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 12.5% Grullo(a), 12.5% Zebra Dun, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Grullo(a), 12.5% Grullo(a), 12.5% Black Foals |
w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Grullo(a), 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Zebra Dun, 6.25% Grullo(a), 6.25% Zebra Dun, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals |
Classic Champagne
(Black Horse w/ Champagne Gene) |
25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Champagne, 25% Classic Champagne, 25% Black Foals |
Chocolate Champagne
(Chocolate Horse w/ Champagne Gene) |
w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene |
37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Champagne, 12.5% Champagne, 12.5% Black Foals |
w/ 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
50% Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Champagne Foals |
Amber Champagne
(Bay Horse w/ Champagne Gene) |
w/ 1 Bay Gene |
12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Champagne, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 12.5% Classic Champagne, 12.5% Amber Champagne, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 2 Bay Genes |
25% Red Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 25% Amber Champagne, 25% Bay Foals |
Chocolate Amber Champagne
(Red Chocolate Horse w/ Champagne Gene) |
w/ 1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene |
18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Champagne, 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 6.25% Champagne, 6.25% Amber Champagne, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals |
w/ 1 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Champagne, 25% Red Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Amber Champagne Foals |
w/ 2 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Genes |
37.5% Red Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 12.5% Amber Champagne, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 2 Bay & 2 Silver Dapple Genes |
50% Red Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Amber Champagne Foals |
Gold Champagne
(Chestnut Horse w/ Champagne Gene)
* More hidden bay-silver combinations possible than the four listed here |
No Hidden Genes |
25% Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Champagne, 25% Classic Champagne, 25% Black Foals |
w/ 1 Bay Gene (Hidden) |
12.5% Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Champagne, 12.5% Red Chocolate, 12.5% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 12.5% Classic Champagne, 12.5% Amber Champagne, 12.5% Black, 12.5% Bay Foals |
w/ 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
37.5% Chocolate, 37.5% Chocolate Champagne, 12.5% Classic Champagne, 12.5% Black Foals |
w/1 Bay & 1 Silver Dapple Gene (Hidden) |
18.75% Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Champagne, 18.75% Red Chocolate, 18.75% Chocolate Amber Champagne, 6.25% Classic Champagne, 6.25% Amber Champagne, 6.25% Black, 6.25% Bay Foals |